Leaving Kardamyli for Monemvasia

Hotel in Kardamyli
Traveling Greece by bus

The tour group of 26 people easily fits in the large tour bus. The bus driver is amazing at navigating this huge bus through very narrow roads and winding roads. Greek roads were not designed for large buses.

Mid morning coffee break in Kastania
Niki helps to serve coffee in picturesque plaza

Kastania has a population of approximately 50 people and there are six churches. The town is up in the hills about 15 miles from the main road.

Amazing fresh seafood lunch
Checked into our hotel in Monemvasta

The castle at Monemvasia was built in the 6th century and is about 300 feet high. The castle has an interesting history. In 1400 years it has been conquered four times, always by siege.

My plan is to climb to the top and spend time exploring the lower village.